Tag Archives | Janes all the world aircraft
Scientific American on early flights of Gustave Whitehead
Analysis of a Group Statement Re: Gustave Whitehead Flight Claims (Updated 8.3.15)
Jane’s Recognition of Gustave Whitehead (Gustav Weißkopf): Update
By Sue Brinchman on July 27, 2015 in Frequently Asked Questions, Smithsonian-Wright Agreement of 1948 (Smithsonian "Contract")
Smithsonian conspiracy to deny Whitehead flew first now provable
By Mary Steele on August 1, 2014 in Frequently Asked Questions, Smithsonian-Wright Agreement of 1948 (Smithsonian "Contract")
Gustave Whitehead Timeline and Media
Gustave Whitehead house demolished ; CT named as first in flight (Updated 5/5/14)

Did Gustave Whitehead really fly first?
Why were the Wrights given credit as “first in flight”?
By Sue Brinchman on January 9, 2014 in Frequently Asked Questions, Smithsonian-Wright Agreement of 1948 (Smithsonian "Contract")