Tag Archives | history
Is the new information concerning Gustave Whitehead reliable ? Updated
Analysis of a Group Statement Re: Gustave Whitehead Flight Claims (Updated 8.3.15)
Smithsonian conspiracy to deny Whitehead flew first now provable
By Mary Steele on August 1, 2014 in Frequently Asked Questions, Smithsonian-Wright Agreement of 1948 (Smithsonian "Contract")
Gustave Whitehead Powered Flight Witnesses
Who is Gustave Whitehead?
The “first in flight” controversy
What has been the result of the first in flight controversy, to date?

The Gustave Whitehead controversy : How does Smithsonian deny Whitehead?
By Sue Brinchman on January 7, 2014 in Frequently Asked Questions, Smithsonian-Wright Agreement of 1948 (Smithsonian "Contract")